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Posts tagged ‘loli’

The Flower that Symbolizes Small Happiness and Love… Review of [140829] Harenochi kitto nanohana biyori

Foreword: So when you have a Parasol game, you’re pretty much thinking: “Oh, a loli charage? My body (and tissues) are ready!”

… Okay fine, that’s how I thought.

and Oh shit was I wrong. I did NOT expect a game like this. From the first hour, I was slapped with the game’s great flow and gentle pacing that was literally shouting, “WHAT IS THIS BLACK MAGIC?!”

But in all seriousness, this was a great game. Yes, you do have your loli in here, but the story is something I really have to commend this one for, and even when there’s one critically negative factor that’s prevalent in all of Parasol’s games, you’ll see how this “negative” element was completely missing in one of the routes.

Despite all these positives, the game is STILL considered incomplete due to both the protagonist being really insignificant (or at least really shallow) in most of the story, as well as the story not making a full conclusion (it makes one to a certain extent, but it was done unsatisfactory)

But don’t let that scare you away. Some players will comment how Parasol is like a last-resort game for when they have too much free time (you know who you are), but this game should be on the top of your list!

P.S. Sorry that due to exam week (on the 3rd week of school!) and work has pushed me to be relatively slow with finishing games. I try to finish games as fast as possible, so please be patient! I promise to make at least two reviews a month… hopefully!

Title: 晴のちきっと菜の花びより (Harenochi kitto nanohana biyori) [Lit. Trans: The clear “skies” is certainly nanohana weather]
Producers: Parasol
Release Date: August 29, 2014
VNDB Link: http://vndb.org/v14886
Getchu Link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=805379
Game Type: Slice of life romance novel with fantasy themes

Summary: Haruma recently got discharged from the hospital. As he comes to school a month late and unable to make friends, a girl named Amane reaches out to him and offers to be his friend. Finding this strange but grateful, he accepts her friendship. Back home, his childhood friend Konomi awaits him at the flower shop, and soon, an upperclassman named Karin will join in the group of friends.

However, everything changes with the introduction of a small girl named Nanoka, who sits close to Haruma. He originally mistakes her for a classmate’s younger sister, but it turns out that this girl barely half his height is the same age as him! (ロリきったぁぁぁ!)

With another friend, Haruma soon finds out that this strange girl wants to reform the Gardening Club. Already having knowledge of flowers already, Haruma offers his help and advice, and with the various friends around him, the two will try to revive the club that once died down.

At the beginning of the story, Jun (the guy on the left) makes some really nice jokes that’ll make you laugh.
He’s acts both the comical and the “reliable oni-san” character.

The 99th Full Moon… Review of [120224]Tsukumonotsuki

Foreword: Oh hey! A game released on my birthday! Woo~
But really. Surprised that I can spit out a review in such a short amount of time?

Yeah, I’m surprised too.

Jokes aside, let’s get right onto the review. Pretty much a game I had my eyes on since it’s release, it’s rather sad it took me 9 months to get through with this game. Nonetheless, it was actually quite decent compared to the other games I’ve played so far. The only huge drawback of this game is that there’s a portion of the game where plot is REALLY slow, and CAN cause people to simply not want to play it.

However, I urge you to continue with it since the conclusion is actually decent compared to the other games I’ve been playing recently. It’s also very nice that the entire story foreshadows the conclusion, and if you’re sharp, you may even find out what’s truly going on even before you hit the heroine’s route.

But when I started this game, I was literally drooling at the fact that Aoba Ringo (she’s an awesome CV) was voicing a white-haired loli-imouto character. Here’s a sample of her voice (HOLY CRAP SHE’S SO CUTE)

That, good friends, is why I went through with this game even when I had exams and had other games I was playing.
But I’ll stop blabbing about how awesome the main character was, and get on with the review.

Title: ツクモノツキ (Tsukumo no Tsuki) [Lit Trans. Moon of Tsukumo]
Producers: Sugar Pot
Release Date:
VNDB Link: http://vndb.org/v7845
Getchu Link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=720147
Game Type: Novel with ideals placed on self-identity

Summary: Keita lives his daily life satisfied with his younger sister Maya and his good friend Akane. Although their life isn’t that of luxury, Keita works daily to make ends meet while Maya helps with the household chores. All seems well… or is it?

Keita actually has amnesia. He only knows that their parents passed away from Maya’s words, who says they ran away from relatives trying to take advantage of their situation. If that wasn’t enough, Maya is also very frail, and gets sick often.
Despite this, the siblings get along very well, and support each other everyday.

One day, Maya starts to act strange. She seems to be sick in Keita’s eyes, but Maya won’t tell him what’s wrong with her. Instead, she urges that the siblings return to their hometown, since she feels an urgent need to go there.
Finding this strange, Keita agrees, and the siblings leave for the land that they abandoned 8 years ago.

In the area, they find nothing…

Until Maya exclaims that she can hear a song, and runs to the forested area.
There, the siblings find a white-haired girl who often appeared in Keita’s dreams. This girl, who calls herself Tsukumo, is now a self-proclaimed younger sister of Keita, and returns along with the siblings.

Maya tells Keita to take good care of this strange girl…
But it won’t be long; a shrine maiden named Yukina will now try to take Tsukumo with her, back to the countryside!

*WARNING* Please note that after this point, spoilers are intentionally included. Read at your own risk!



Zombie Apocalypse?!!?! Review of [130628]Nosferatu no Omocha ☆彡

Foreword: One game down from the nine I chose this week! Can I finish all these games in time for the next wave? Tune in next time t– /shot

Jokes aside, let’s get right on to the review of Nosferatu. First game by Ichigo Fizz, I remember the parent company, “Fizz” for creating stories that are ultimately crappy, but strangely has a higher character affection for some reason. That’s the same in this game, but of course, more detail can be found below.

Finished in 3 days (darn you, summer classes), I present to you, Nosferatu no Omocha!

Title: ノスフェラトゥのオモチャ☆彡 (Nosferatu no Omocha) [Lit. Trans: The plaything (toy) of Nosferatu)
Producers: Ichigo Fizz
Release Date: June 28th, 2013
VNDB Link: http://vndb.org/v12290
Getchu Link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=768965
Game Type: Novel with themes of zombie apocalypse, albeit with a different setting.

Summary: Hibiki is a human being that continuously runs in fear of becoming “one of them”. After the Blood-Last (or bloodlust?), which left 99.99% of the Earth’s population as monsters called the Spirit Taker, all Hibiki can think of is surviving as long as he can, even as he realizes that his efforts will soon end in nothing.

He is soon surrounded by Spirit Takers, and just as his soul was about to be stolen, a hand gently reaches out to him, telling him that he “…won’t need to run away anymore…” He faints at that moment, but wakes up in a supervision center, where they protect him from the Spirit Takers. However, Hibiki wants to know who saved his life…

Story Length: Moderately Short (20 hours)
Complete Story Clearing Difficulty: Easy
Comments: Very straightforward character choice. No need for long explanations. There are obviously more “short stories” for the three sisters who are the main heroines, than the sub-characters.

Character Design Rating: 7/10
Story Rating: 2/10
Game Quality: Moderate
Overall Rating: 4/10
Rating Comments: We have a title that rivals many other superior games in Character Design, but its story rating drops madly. This is, like Magical Charming, because of explained elements. I’ll list some of the things that the game doesn’t explain; trust me, it’s a long list.

  • Hibiki’s properties make him seem to “turn on” the girls around him, which is not explained.
  • In the story, it specifically says that Hibiki was attacked once, by a Spirit Taker. This caused immense pain and suffering, but Hibiki did not become a Spirit Taker like them. Why?
  • The origin of Anima (the rose-like flower that suppresses the Spirit Taker’s desires)
  • The origin of Spirit Takers (the story says that Noel was the “First Spirit Taker”, though)
  • and various others.

In that sense, this game seemed like a mindless parody of the zombie apocalypse, but… something didn’t really make it seem like that…

Character Summary: Let’s speed through the summaries! There’s really not much to say about each character, but this section is a good excuse to post “unnecessary” CGs :D

Let’s start with Noel. Your typical loli character, at first glance, you may think of her as one of those selfish and prideful individuals. However, Noel, despite being the “King of Spirit Takers“, and lived for over 1000 years, is actually an amaenbo character (Character who actively pursues the protagonist’s attention), so I guess this kind of “gap” is what I enjoyed greatly.

Noel loves sleeping, and can often be seen sleeping in class. Her favorite food is anything fried (potato chips, fried shrimp, etc…), and will not yield these items to anyone.

Noel actually lacks the emotion: sadness. This is why even when she sees death, she cannot be disturbed by it, and the only time she cries out of anguish is when her body instinctively tries to “take” Hibiki’s soul, as he offers it up to her. With this emotion restored, Noel is “technically” a human, but can live for a very long time, with Hibiki, who is now a Spirit Taker alongside her. (BUT WAIT! I thought Hibiki couldn’t be a Spirit Taker!)

We then come to Misha, who is the eldest daughter of the Nosferatu Family. Despite her hereditary advantage, Noel is a more powerful Spirit Taker than her, because Noel is the “First Spirit Taker”. Misha isn’t too concerned about hierarchy, however, since she doesn’t like receiving too much attention. Instead, when Hibiki tries to do something for the three sisters, Misha says to him “… then teach me– No, teach Noel and me what “Romance” is…

It is implied that as the elder sister of Noel, she is older than her; and far more mature in certain areas (O.,O). In school, she is considered the “school idol” for her kindness and good looks, as well as her abilities.

Misha’s hobby is gardening, which she tries to keep secret from everyone else. She is the one who tends to Anima and because of this, is the first to realize that the flowers were wilting. Misha also loves reading shoujo manga, despite having the aura of a lady. This characteristic suggests that she knows very little about love.

Last but not least, we get to Amayuki. Mostly the “emotionless heroine“, it’s possible to see that she is not really emotionless; she just doesn’t know how to express herself properly. Amayuki, like the other two, are “amaenbo” characters, and desire the attention of Hibiki.

Amayuki’s background goes back to when she was just a frail child, and faced with death. Noel appeared before her, and turned her into a Spirit Taker, allowing her immortality and the cure from the disease that she was suffering with. However, because of her immortality, she has been treated like a god from her family, which she finds very uncomfortable; she would rather stay with Noel, Misha, and Hibiki.

Amayuki is skilled in martial arts, and uses it often to protect Hibiki from physical danger. She easily becomes jealous of other girls that are close to Hibiki, and often leave the poor guy confused about what he did wrong.

The Four Subcharacters:

Kodama on the right, Paseri on the left.

Kodama: Hibiki’s younger sister and an extreme brother complex, to the point she finds it natural that a brother would lust for his younger sister. Hibiki unfortunately does not think of her as a little sister, because his parents and even Kodama chased after him during Blood Lust. This paradigm sets up the siblings in a very uncomfortable relationship.

Paseri: The student council president in the school that Kodama attends, Paseri attacks Hibiki, trying to take his soul, but is stopped by Amayuki, Misha, and Noel. Despite her punishments, Paseri attempts to steal Hibiki’s soul again, and fails the second time. The third time around, she tries to get closer to the group so they drop their guard, but instead ends up falling in love with him instead.

Riri: Hibiki’s classmate who is also a human being, she chose to become a Spirit Taker on her own accord, because she wanted to understand her parents when her parents attacked her during Blood Lust. Riri and Hibiki start studying together, but end up falling in love with each other in the end.

Melody: The loyal maid of Noel, who is significantly younger than the rest of the sisters. Skilled at all forms of housework, it is Melody’s pride and joy to serve the Nosferatu family. Melody’s story mostly involves her affection towards Hibiki as she sees his diligence and persistence even in such a hostile environment, and “sacrificing her body” in order to confine him as much as possible.

Such delicious events…

Sexual Content: Very High

Comments: Arguably your “Zombie Apocalypse” environment, the “zombie” is replaced by a vampire-like creature called “Spirit Takers”. This theme is maintained throughout the game but… that was all there was to it; Hibiki’s “property” that turned on the girls around him was a convenient plot element used for the H-scenes, and while I did enjoy drooling over Noel, the end of her route was much too abrupt.

But I want a Harem too ._.;

Affection for the Characters: Moderately High

CG Quality: Moderately High
Music Quality: Low

Addictiveness: Low

Conclusion: A parody-like game with the cute theme of apocalypse, but is actually more of a comedy than anything else. Contains cute short stories, but is more of a nukige than a visual novel. Good character design, but almost non-existent story.


A brief intro of Noel; as a supreme being, but not too different from anyone else.